Trademark and Service Mark Usage Guidelines
Wave Computing, Inc. and its subsidiaries (including MIPS Tech, LLC) (“Wave Computing”) use trademarks and service marks to identify and distinguish our products and services in commerce. Proper use of our marks helps customers know that our products and services are sourced specifically from Wave Computing. Unlicensed or improper use or our marks can devalue our marks and diminish the goodwill associated with the marks.
Please follow these Trademark and Service Mark Usage Guidelines (“Guidelines”) for properly using Wave Computing’s trademarks in all communications, marketing, documents, licensed technology, products and electronic messages. These Guidelines apply to Wave Computing’s customers, partners, licensees (including MIPS Open licensees), employees, outside vendors and other third parties. If you have a written trademark license with Wave Computing, please follow any specific guidelines of such trademark license. These Guidelines may be modified from time to time by Wave Computing in its sole discretion.
Use of Wave Computing marks, in whole or in part, serves as recognition that Wave Computing owns the marks and you agree that you will not disparage, misuse, injure or interfere with the Wave Computing’s rights in the mark, including challenging Wave Computing’s use, registration of, application for registration for the marks at any time and in any nation or jurisdiction in the world.
Specific Guidelines
Use the symbol for trademark or service mark correctly (®, ™, SM).
For any press release, letter, white paper, advertising, slides, videos, newsletter, publication, report, technical documentation, presentation or other publication or documents, properly designate all of Wave Computing’s trademarks at the most prominent use (usually a headline or title) and again on the first occurrence the trademark is used in text or copy. Please note that the appropriate symbol should also be listed in any legal notice or trademark attribution notice at the conclusion of the document (or webpage).
For registered marks - use ® (as superscript).
For unregistered marks - use ™ for trademarks (covering products and goods) and SM for service marks (covering services).
On any product or packaging, use the trademark symbol in every reference.
When you refer to Wave Computing, Inc., as a company, rather than as a brand of products and services, you may use “Wave Computing” or “MIPS” without the ® or ™ symbols, and may use these trade names as a possessive (e.g., Wave Computing’s) when making reference to our company.
Give attribution to Wave Computing trademarks when you use them.
Give attribution (credit) and/or proper reference to a trademarked product or service, including those that are licensed, on the copyright page or other attribution page in documents, webpages, printed matter, presentations, or on packaging using or referring to our marks.
For example: “Wave Computing ® is a trademark or registered trademark of Wave, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All Rights Reserved.”
Use our trademarks and service marks to build customer recognition and emphasize our trademark rights.
Use a mark in its proper, distinctive manner. Do not modify our design and font.
Do not use any Wave Computing trademark in a disparaging or degrading manner.
Use a mark extensively, especially in packaging, labels, advertising and promotional materials.
Do not incorporate any Wave Computing trademarks or service marks into your company’s own product or service names, marks, or website root domains or subdomains.
Do not bid on a Wave Computing trademark (or any variant or extension thereof) as a keyword on any search engine or use a Wave Computing trademark (or any variant or extension thereof) in any form of paid advertising.
Follow the style and usage guidelines as made available by Wave computing.
Do not modify a trademark or service mark.
Changing a mark’s character, shape, or impression may dilute or harm the mark’s distinctiveness and effectiveness. For example, our corporate trademark is “Wave Computing®” not “Wave” and thus should be strictly expressed as “Wave Computing®.”
Do not:
- alter or distort a mark’s appearance, for example by adding your own design elements or changing the spelling, font, color, size or format (including capitalization), or abbreviate the mark
- incorporate our marks into acronyms or use them in parts
- insert or delete dashes or hyphens
- “break up” the mark at the end of a line so that it straddles two lines
- divide one word within a mark into two words or combine two words into one.
Use our marks as adjectives, not nouns or verbs.
Use Wave Computing trademarks properly as adjectives, followed by an appropriate generic product or service noun describing the relevant product or service (for example, “the Wave Computing® dataflow technology is great”). Do not use a mark as a noun or verb, and do not pluralize a mark or use a mark in the possessive form (which suggests that the mark is being used as a noun).
Representative Wave Computing Logos
The following is an illustrative, non-exhaustive list of logos and trademarks owned by Wave Computing. This list may change at any time, as we add new products and services. Please note that the absence of a trademark from the list below does not constitute a waiver of Wave Computing intellectual property rights in that name or logo.
Representative Wave Computing Word Marks
Wave Computing®
MIPS Open™
Contact Information
Wave Computing is vigilant in supervising the use of our marks. Third party use of Wave Computing trademarks requires a license or written permission from Wave Computing. If you are interested in a license to use Wave Computing trademarks or service marks, or have questions or comments about their use, please contact us.
Wave Computing, Inc.
Attn: Legal
300 Orchard City Drive, Suite 170
Campbell, CA 95008 USA